Our Approach

Downtown Brookings follows the community revitalization framework championed by Main Street America. Our work has four pillars: Design, Economic Vitality & Connections, Organization, and Promotion. Each pillar has a committee of 5-10 dedicated volunteers, in addition to sub-committees as needed.

  • Design - Sense of Place - enhancing physical and visual assets

  • Economic Vitality & Connections - Sense of Vitality - connecting information and resources, identifying economic opportunities, and creating a supportive environment

  • Organization - Sense of Responsibility - fostering partnerships, encouraging community involvement, and ensuring organizational continuity

  • Promotion - Sense of Community - storytelling, marketing, and events

    • Sub-Committee - Brookings Farmers Market

Learn more about Main Street America’s approach.

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  • Meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 8:30 a.m.

    The Design Committee plays an important role in shaping the public image and improving the physical landscape of our Downtown neighborhood, making it an attractive place for residents, visitors, business owners, and potential investors alike. This committee works to capitalize on our community’s best assets, such as its historic properties, and create an inviting atmosphere through public art, building improvements, landscaping, and more.

    Examples of Design Committee work: murals, utility box wraps, street pole banners, Walk with Us workshops, SDSU Landscape Architecture partnership

    Members: Kerrie Vilhauer, Samantha Beckman, Josh Bauman, Emily Braun, Matthew Weiss, Chelsea Lang, Robert Dalton

  • Meets the 2nd Friday of the month at 8:30 a.m.

    The Economic Vitality and Connections Committee focuses on building and maintaining vibrant businesses in our neighborhood, including sharing information and resources, identifying economic opportunities, creating a supportive environment to help new and existing businesses thrive, and collaborating with economic ecosystem partners.

    Example of Economic Vitality & Connections committee work: neighborhood cameras, Open Spaces tours, secret shopper program, business attraction and retention

    Memmbers: Tom Fishback, Samantha Beckman, Stephanie Mason, Kelsey Doom, Tyer Burlage, Lee Ann Pierce, Coy Yonce

  • Meets the 4th Tuesday of the month at 8:30 a.m.

    The Organization Committee does the critical work of establishing consensus and cooperation by building partnerships among the various groups in the community that have a stake in our neighborhood. This committee provides feedback and guidance for fundraising, volunteer recruitment and retention, program promotion and advocacy, and organizational development to build a strong program with long-lasting community support.

    Examples of Organization Committee work: volunteer coordination for clean-up, sponsorship program, Neighborhood Celebration event

    Members: Nathaniel Condelli, Amanda Husted, Lisa Marotz, Rachel Meyer

  • Meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 8:30 a.m.

    The Promotion Committee builds a sense of Community through storytelling, marketing, and events. Our job is to grow a positive neighborhood image by getting the community involved and aware of what Downtown Brookings offers. We do this through advertising in the community and region and hosting large community events.

    Examples of Promotion Committee work: Festival of Lights, Brookings Bonanza, Fall for Downtown Festival, Trick-or-Treating, neighborhood maps, billboard promotions, rack card creation

    Members: Laci Thompson, Karen Burns, Amber Jensen, Brianna Munoz, Kurt Osborne

  • Meets as needed, including one pre- and post-season meeting

    The Brookings Farmers Market provides a community gathering place where local farmers and entrepreneurs can sell directly to the consumer. This committee works to improve opportunities for all in our community by promoting local economic development as well as social and community building through educational and family-friendly activities.

Committee meeting agendas are available on request.